
A Global RPO Solution for Collinson

The Problem  

When Collinson came to us, they had an annual recruitment spend of over £6m, with high levels of attrition, low performance and a reliance on recruitment agencies.

They needed to reduce their time- and cost-to-hire, increase their talent attraction, and improve their employer branding.  

The Solution

Chapter 2 launched an innovative talent solution, specifically targeting Collinson’s larger, better-known competitors, including Mastercard, Amex, and AXA,  

Our carefully curated approach highlighted the groundbreaking nature of Collinson’s work the direct impact commercial candidates could make in that kind of environment.  

A large part of our solution was focused on employer branding. We created a series of films featuring Collinson’s people from around the world and highlighting the dynamic nature of the business.  

This campaign was nominated for several industry and marketing awards, including IHR Awards, The Firm, and The Rad Awards.  

The Results

  • C2 Delivered 500+ Hires - 145% of our target  
  • Reduced TA costs from £6.4m to £1.5m in 4 years  
  • Cost Per Hire - £3.9K  
  • Time to Hire reduced from 85+ days to 20 under C2   
  • Employer Brand Strategy Delivered: 1400% increase in careers site