
Scaling at Pace with a Deadline

The Problem

Wayfair needed to grow their EMEA business from 1.8bn to 10bn by 2025. This meant they needed to hire at pace, specifically across the commercial & sales, operations, and technology departments. It was also crucial to improve the calibre of hire within the business.  

The Solution

Chapter 2 launched a scalable team of up to 22 recruiters. Using our unique model, we targeted, attracted, and engaged talent for commercial roles (including Sales Managers) predominantly from the “Big 4” management consultancies.  

We focused primarily on strategic workforce planning, data insights, targeted content, and direct sourcing.  

The Results

Chapter 2 is Wayfair’s global talent partner, delivering the below highlights:   

  • Total Savings - £3.6million  
  • Cost Per Hire - £2.3K  
  • Acceptance rate - Consistently over 93%  
  • Time to Hire Reduced from 40+ days to 20  
  • Time to Reject reduced from 18 days to 2  
  • Time in inbox reduced from 8 days to under 24 hours